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Izkustvena delavnica utelešenja / Experiental embodiment workshop

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 16:30
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Trg Osvobodilne fronte 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Izkustvena delavnica utelešenja / Experiental embodiment workshop

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 16:30
Trg Osvobodilne fronte 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


[SLO] Izkustvena delavnica utelešenja
Delavnica je namenjena vsem, ki si želijo raziskovati povezavo med umom in telesom ter tako prisluhniti komunikaciji svoje psihe skozi različne telesne manifestacije. Na nežen, igriv in varen način bomo spoznavale_i elemente čuječnosti, utelešenja, psihodrame, plesno-gibalne terapije in telesno usmerjene psihoterapije. Potrebne niso nobene predhodne izkušnje. Število prijavljenih oseb je omejeno na 20.
Delavnico bo vodila študentka telesno orientirane psihoterapije Tea Vuga ( @teavuga ).

Prijave na: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes90G-gju5owK-CkkPsKVx3Qq7TLxe0Vi5OVzleTQibwuH0w/viewformhttps://tr.ee/OFNjoxdKpf

[ENG] Experiental embodiment workshop
he workshop is intended for everyone who wants to explore the connection between mind and body and thus listen to the communication of their psyche through various bodily manifestations. In a gentle, playful and safe way, we will learn through the elements of mindfulness, embodiment, psychodrama, dance-movement therapy and body-oriented psychotherapy. No previous experience is required. The number of registered people is limited to 20.
The workshop will be led by Tea Vuga ( @teavuga ), a student of body-oriented psychotherapy.

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Izkustvena delavnica utelešenja / Experiental embodiment workshop Behaal deze badge

[SLO] Izkustvena delavnica utelešenja
Delavnica je namenjena vsem, ki si želijo raziskovati povezavo med umom in telesom ter tako prisluhniti komunikaciji svoje psihe skozi različne telesne manifestacije. Na nežen, igriv in varen način bomo spoznavale_i elemente čuječnosti, utelešenja, psihodrame, plesno-gibalne terapije in telesno usmerjene psihoterapije. Potrebne niso nobene predhodne izkušnje. Število prijavljenih oseb je omejeno na 20.
Delavnico bo vodila študentka telesno orientirane psihoterapije Tea Vuga ( @teavuga ).

[ENG] Experiental embodiment workshop
he workshop is intended for everyone who wants to explore the connection between mind and body and thus listen to the communication of their psyche through various bodily manifestations. In a gentle, playful and safe way, we will learn through the elements of mindfulness, embodiment, psychodrama, dance-movement therapy and body-oriented psychotherapy. No previous experience is required. The number of registered people is limited to 20.
The workshop will be led by Tea Vuga ( @teavuga ), a student of body-oriented psychotherapy.
Taak nr.1
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Trg Osvobodilne fronte 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


#harmonise body movement
#dance movement therapy
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
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Tijd om te voltooien: 2 uren 30 minuten


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