Turin Metropolitan city of learning


Turin Metropolitan city of learning
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#Design value, #Be innovative, #Define problems, #Be curious and open, #Develop ideas
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#proactief denken, #beheer van sociale media, #broadcast on streaming
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#anderen overtuigen, #choose pictures, #use virtual learning environments, #leertechnologieën, #Critical thinking, #group information, #informatics, #produce music, #website beheren, #oversee website, #reflectie, #data analysis, #learn script, #communicatie, #informatie- en communicatietechnologie, #utilize digital instruments, #deelnemen aan sportevenementen, #protect information, #smart devices, #socialemediamarketing toepassen
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#develop time management skills, #stimulates creativity in the team, #creativiteit in het team stimuleren, #evenementen plannen, #complete deadlines, #initiate contacts with sellers, #vernieuwingsprocessen, #zorg voor verwaarloosde dieren coördineren, #in teams werken, #manage resources outdoor, #develop problem solving strategy, #team working, #active listening, #allenare la pazienza, #do research on topics related to speech, #eigen verantwoordelijkheid aanvaarden, #professionele verantwoordelijkheid tonen, #Communication, #think critically, #dieren promoten, #capacità di adattamento di un'organizzazione, #rekening houden met anderen
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#able to use learning strategies, #develop time management skills, #act empathetically, #activities for recreation, #be employed in an international environment, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #be fluent in English, #addressing problems critically, #be aware of professional standards and limitations, #act for the organisation, #apply internal communcation skills, #acknowledge cultural differences
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#feedback op artistieke prestaties aanvaarden, #Flexibility, #Growth mindset, #Critical thinking, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #Collaboration, #Team up, #Self-regulation, #zelfbeheersing uitoefenen, #empathisch zijn, #lichaamstaal, #improviseren, #Communication, #Empathy, #Wellbeing, #nadenken over praktijken, #Managing learning
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#Be resilient, #kansen herkennen, #Reflecteren op de acceptatie van ambiguïteit en verandering, #persoonlijke ontwikkeling, #Collaboration, #Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk, #Communication, #Empathy, #Develop ideas, #Be resilient, #Reflecteren op de acceptatie van ambiguïteit en verandering, #Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk, #Communication, #Collaboration, #Empathy, #Develop ideas, #kansen herkennen, #persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#create art, #use environmental friendly material, #ecosystemen, #bosecologie, #Think sustainably, #duurzaamheid promoten, #producten op maat produceren, #workshopactiviteiten plannen, #chemische samenstelling van batterijen, #aquatische ecologie, #thinking creatively, #green computing, #afvalinzamelingsschema’s opvolgen
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