The playlist is ment to train a group of selected youth from the high schools and universities interested in developing the green growth culture. After the training they will be engaged in a couching events to translate the ideas of green growth into content appealing to the language of the young people; to explore examples of the green growth in their
country; to design content available to persons with disabilities i.e. visual, hearing and intellectual impediment.
By this they will get sensitised about the special needs for these categories of youth and will design content that will be appealing for them to further get familiarised with the content of building culture of green growth. this will serve two goals: designing of learning material and learning aids for youth people with disabilities and sensitive the young people of the needs of persons with disabilities.
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It is about traveling from point A (Albania, Turkey, Sweden, Austria and Romania) to point B (Skopje, North Macedonia), of groups of young people, some of them visually impaired/blind and others with fewer opportunities, by various means of transportation, including green travel.
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It is about traveling from point A (Albania, Turkey, Sweden, Austria and Romania) to point B (Skopje, North Macedonia), of groups of young people, some of them visually impaired/blind and others with fewer opportunities, by various means of transportation, including green travel.
Utstedt av arrangør eller skanning av WR-kode
Skopje, North Macedonia