E playlist di SWOT it up! ta konsistí di 6 aktividat relashoná ku un konsepto importante ku bo por usa den bo bida diario i den bo karera: e análisis di forsa, debilidat, oportunidat i menasa, na spañó konosí komo FODA (Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades, Amenazas) i na ingles e konosido Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, mihó konosí komo S.W.O.T.
S.W.O.T. ta un medio útil pa yuda bo konosé bo mes i bo situashon i ku por yuda bo tuma desishon bon informá. Kompletá e playlist i gana bo badgenan!
Atividades para concluir
Complete as seguintes atividades, ganhe medalhas e verá o progresso da sua playlist atualizado
Now that you have an idea of what a S.W.O.T. analysis is, let's dive into a practical exercise. This exercise will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats in your life.
Step-by-step S.W.O.T. analysis assignment:
Step 2: Identify your Weaknesses
- Compile a list of at least 5 areas where you believe you can improve or where you are less proficient. These could be challenges you face, such as organization, concentration, or a lack of specific skills.
21st Century Skills we are developing during this assignment:
- Critical thinking: You are analyzing yourself and your environment to make better decisions.
- Problem-solving: You are identifying weaknesses and threats and seeking solutions.
- Communication skills: You can articulate your thoughts and insights clearly.
- Self-awareness: You gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses.
- Self-regulation: You can create plans to achieve your goals based on your analysis.
Now that you have an idea of what a S.W.O.T. analysis is, let's dive into a practical exercise. This exercise will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats in your life.
Step-by-step S.W.O.T. analysis assignment:
Step 2: Identify your Weaknesses
- Compile a list of at least 5 areas where you believe you can improve or where you are less proficient. These could be challenges you face, such as organization, concentration, or a lack of specific skills.
21st Century Skills we are developing during this assignment:
- Critical thinking: You are analyzing yourself and your environment to make better decisions.
- Problem-solving: You are identifying weaknesses and threats and seeking solutions.
- Communication skills: You can articulate your thoughts and insights clearly.
- Self-awareness: You gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses.
- Self-regulation: You can create plans to achieve your goals based on your analysis.
Tarefa n.º 1
Emitido pelo organizador ou através da leitura do código QR
Submit an evidence of your completed list. You can write it in this box or send your list as a picture or clip.
#Analyses learners’ strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities
#desenvolver competências pessoais
#enhance personal skills
#Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
#desenvolver competências pessoais
#Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
#aid in children's development of basic personal skills
#enhance personal skills
#Analyses learners’ strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities
Atividades: 6
Iniciado em: 27
Playlist concluída em: 0
Tempo para completar: 5 horas
Tao Curaçao BV
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto: support@badgecraft.eu.