
Learning to Learn: Your Superpower

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Learning to Learn: Your Superpower



Welcome to our exciting activity! Now, we’re ready to explore into the fascinating and exciting world of learning to learn. Think of it as getting to know the real potential of your brain – it’s like your personal hidden superpower, and we’re here to help you understand how to use it in the best way possible! 

In this activity, we’ll focus on understanding learning and learning to learn, how you learn best, how to reflect on your learning experiences, and how to make the learning process not just useful but also fun! Whether it’s for school, hobbies, or life in general, this is your chance to discover what works for you.

By the end of the activity, you’ll feel more confident, motivated, and ready to take charge of your own learning. With this activity we aim to: 
  • to deepen your understanding of self-directed develop your practical skills for learning how to learn;
  • to help ourselves think about what learning methods work best for us and why;
  • to build our habit of regularly checking progress and making changes when needed.

Ready to start? Let’s jump into our first activity: “The River of Learning!

EXERCISE 1: The aim of The River of Learning is to look at and reflect on how and what you learnt till now. Look back over your lives and think about times or events where you really felt you learnt something. The result of this reflection should end up on the paper using themetaphor of a river. 

Take your time and reflect: 
  • How was it to use the metaphor for your learning?
  • What was challenging in finding your most important learning moments?
  • Was there anything surprising in your personal reflection?

If you want to learn faster, try the Feynman Technique. It’s named after a physicist, Richard Feynman, and it’s all about explaining something in simple words, like you're teaching it to someone else. Watch the video below: 

EXERCISE 2: The best and the worst learning experience. Write down two pluses and two minuses of the best and worst learning experience you ever had. Share your answer by completing task 2 to earn the badge.  

There are different ways people learn and why they do it:
  • Surface learning is focused on copying or remembering, often driven by fear of failing. It leads to knowledge that is broken into pieces and not fully understood.
  • Deep learning happens when someone is curious and wants to truly understand. This leads to meaningful and well-understood knowledge.
  • Strategic learning aims to perform well and get high grades, often to succeed or do better than others. This may or may not include real understanding. 

Learning approaches & their motivational orientations

Learning is a big part of life—it starts even before we’re born! It’s not a straight path but full of twists, turns, and surprises, influenced by people, experiences, and emotions. In our activity, we are exploring different ways learning happens, especially in non-formal education, where people choose to participate, focus on their own needs, and grow together in exciting and unexpected ways. Have a look at the poster below and see what you think:

Learning is ...

Self-directed learning allows learners to lead their own LEARNING. They set their own goals, choose resources, and decide how to learn. The teacher acts more as a guide, helping when needed, and this approach can be used in all learning environments, from kindergarten to adult education.

In learning, the "martial arts skills of the learners" represent how we tackle challenges. This includes:
  • Mental focus and discipline: Like martial arts, we need to stay focused, keep going, and control our emotions to learn well.
  • Flexibility and strategy: We must adjust to different tasks and teaching styles, using the right strategies to do our best.
  • Self-control and self-regulation: Just like martial artists balance our moves, our plan, track, and adjust our learning.
  • Managing opponents: Internal "opponents" are things like fear or doubt, while external ones include tough tasks or tests.
  • Preparation for the fight: Learning means getting the skills and knowledge to handle anything from tricky concepts to solving problems.

martial arts skills

EXERCISE 4: Understanding Learning to learn. Think of one situation you know you use competence Learning to learn
  • How did you learn?
  • What was different?
  • Was the learning efficient?
  • Write down and stick on your answer the wall

EXERCISE 5: FIND YOUR WAY. In this exercise you will have serious of challenges you should solve.

Challenge 1: The Compliment Chain
  • Start by giving a genuine compliment to a friend or family member. It could be about their personality, something they’ve done, or something you appreciate about them.
  • Once they accept your compliment, ask them to find someone else to compliment in return.
  • After complimenting, make sure they pass the challenge on, finding a new person to compliment.

Reflection Questions:
  • How did it feel to give and receive compliments?
  • Was it easy or difficult to think of something nice to say?
  • How did the compliments change the atmosphere around you?  

Challenge 2: Mind games

Challenge 3. Apollo 13
Read the story below and mark learning to learn moments, you have an example in second paragraph of the text: 

In April 1970, NASA launched Apollo 13 with the goal of landing on the Moon. Two days into the mission, an oxygen tank exploded, putting the crew's lives and the mission at risk  (e.g. here we have a learning to learn moment such as Crisis Management and Adaptability).

The original plan to land on the Moon was abandoned as the team shifted focus to ensuring a safe return to Earth.

Ground control and the astronauts collaborated, sharing information and brainstorming solutions to overcome the challenges.

To survive, the crew had to create a way to filter carbon dioxide using only materials available on the spacecraft.

Although Apollo 13 didn’t achieve its goal, the mission provided valuable lessons for future space exploration, including improved safety measures and protocols.

Throughout the crisis, both the astronauts and ground control remained composed under pressure, showing remarkable resilience and teamwork.

Challenge 4: Why we learn
  • Close your eyes and think about one thing you learned or are learning.
  • Open eyes and write at least 4 why you are learning (reasons).

Challenge 5: My competences 
Below you have a list of competencies. Your role to look back at 4 challenges and think what competence did you gained by solving/finding your way: 

Personal Development & Learning Plan

The Personal Development & Learning Plan offers the possibility to plan your learning in a structured way.

Some tips for using the Personal Development & Learning Plan (PDLP)
When you may feel that there are some things you want to learn, the above PDLP has proved useful for those who can see into the future and are prepared to invest some time and energy in checking how they go on.

Asking yourself what you want to learn and adding the reasons for that can strengthen your resolve to actually do it! Be as specific as possible in this. So instead of just writing “I want to learn Russian because we are going to visit the COUNTRY” think about adding some more detail for instance: “I want to learn how to speak enough Russian so I can make myself understood in shops and any campsites we might use”.

Very often it can be very helpful to identify other people who can be of assistance in your learning – they will also help keep up motivation. Try to set yourself a realistic date for getting to the level of learning you desire.

Please note: for some people this kind of PDLP could also be useful in looking backat what you have learned over a set period of time.

The Learning Journal

Have you heard about the learning journal? The learning journal is great to keep track about what we learn; to give words to what we learn; to reflect by writing (and/or drawing).

The main benefit is that it makes us reflect on our experiences and understand what we’ve learned. It’s great for remembering things over time, and we can write in it daily or weekly, whatever works best for us.

To make it useful, we should choose a good-quality notebook that won’t fall apart and make it personal so it feels special. We can also use a blog if we prefer writing online. It’s helpful to set aside time during the course to write and reflect, and even share our thoughts with peers to support each other’s learning

A highly recommended YouTube video for learning how to learn is "Learning How to Learn" by Dr. Barbara Oakley. In this engaging presentation, Dr. Oakley shares practical techniques and insights into the science of learning, helping us enhance our study habits and cognitive skills.

Lets us summarise our findings today: 

Obter uma medalha da atividade

Learning to Learn: Your Superpower Obter esta medalha

This badge is earned by individuals who have explored and reflected on their own learning experiences, helping them understand how they learn best. It focuses on self-reflection, effective learning methods, and personal growth. The "Learning to Learn" badge shows that the earner has gained a deeper understanding of how learning works and has developed strategies to improve their future learning experiences.

Achievement Context: The “Learning to Learn” badge is all about reflecting on your learning journey, discovering new learning methods, and strengthening your ability to learn independently. This badge encourages learners to look back on their experiences, understand what helps them learn best, and take action to improve their learning in the future.

Description of the Achievement: By earning this badge, you have:
  • Reflected on your past learning experiences using creative metaphors, like "The River of Learning."
  • Analyzed your best and worst learning moments to identify strengths and challenges.
  • Used learning strategies to enhance your skills, including techniques like the Feynman Technique.
  • Practiced self-reflection and shared your thoughts on learning with others.
  • Completed fun and thought-provoking challenges, such as compliment chains and problem-solving tasks.

Criteria and Tasks to Complete: To earn this badge, the learner completed the following:
  • Reflected on key learning experiences using creative methods.
  • Analyzed and shared insights from their best and worst learning moments.
  • Completed a series of challenges related to learning techniques, problem-solving, and self-reflection.

Assessment Procedures: The learner’s tasks were reviewed based on completion and reflection. Successful completion of all tasks resulted in the awarding of the certificate, recognizing the learner’s ability to understand and improve their learning process.

Tarefa n.º 1
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Look back over your lives and think about times or events where you really felt you learnt something. The result of this reflection should end up on the paper using the metaphor of a river. Share your liver of learning with us (attach the picture) and your reflections: 
  • How was it to use the metaphor for your learning?
  • What was challenging in finding your most important learning moments?
  • Was there anything surprising in your personal reflection?
Tarefa n.º 2
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TASK 2: The best and the worst learning experience.
Write down two pluses and two minuses of the best and worst learning experience you ever had. Share your answer. 
Tarefa n.º 3
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TASK 3: Understanding Learning to learn.
Think of one situation you know you use competence Learning to learn:
  • How did you learn?
  • What was different?
  • Was the learning efficient?

Share your answers with us. 
Tarefa n.º 4
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(1) Share your reflection related to Challenge 1: The Compliment Chain.
Reflection Questions:
  • How did it feel to give and receive compliments?
  • Was it easy or difficult to think of something nice to say?
  • How did the compliments change the atmosphere around you?

(2) Share your answers for  Challenge 2: Mind games. 

(3) Share your answers for Challenge 3. Apollo 13.

(4) Write down 4 why you are learning (reasons) for Challenge 4: Why we learn.

(5) Challenge 5: My competences: Write down what competences you gained by implementing each challenge.
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Tempo para completar: 2 horas


A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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