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CLYouth Virtual Exchanges

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CLYouth Virtual Exchanges



This playlist includes the 9 Virtual Exchanges implemented in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-Design learning, civic and career pathways and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network together with Associazione Interculturale Nur.

This series of nine VEs included activities focussing on:
  • Non-Formal Learning
  • Future skills
  • Youth leadership
  • Advocacy
  • Policy recommendations drafting
  • Developing new digital competencies
  • Online facilitation
  • Effective communication and promotion
  • Open Badges for learning recognition
...and much more!

To get this badge, participants must have taken part in all nine of the mentioned Virtual Exchanges.

These Virtual Exchanges were aimed at participants aged 16-30 coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Perspectives on non-formal education
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This is the 8th of 9 Virtual Exchanges that we are implementing in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways.

Project Timeline

Infographic by Agne Rapalaite

This time we’re working closely with the team behind the Youth Forum that will take place in Magdeburg from the 15th to the 19th of July, and involving all the young leaders and young people who will be taking part in the event and are now busy at work putting final touches to their local advocacy campaigns.
During the Forum, each team will be presenting their campaigns to a big international audience, including some EU decision makers and stakeholders, and then come together to bring them to the next level: from the many local campaigns focusing on specific local-level issues, young people will participate in a guided process to broaden their perspectives and turn their ideas into policy recommendations aimed at EU decision makers.
Together, we will:
  • reconnect with the young leaders’ group, and welcome any new participants to the family with a bit of team building
  • review each team’s work on advocacy campaigns one final time
  • go through the plans for the Youth Forum: what are the requirements of the organising team, what are the young people’s needs, how are the presentations and workshops going to work, and what’s the end-goal
  • explore the potential policy recommendations suggested by young people throughout the entire project with our Youth Policy Recommendations DNA Padlet
  • start drafting the policy recommendations that will be finalised during the Youth Forum
  • explore digital Open Badges for learning recognition
  • have fun and meet people coming from different European countries

The Virtual Exchange will start at 17:30 CEST on Zoom and it will last about 1h30.
This activity is aimed at participants who will be taking part in the Youth Forum which will take place in Magdeburg on July 15-19th 2022 and who are involved locally in their local team’s advocacy campaigns, all young people aged 16-30 coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

To participate, register HERE until Monday 11th of July.

Find out more about Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges:


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Virtual Exchange Forum-ready Obțineți această insignă

Informații despre insignăValidări
I have participated in the 8th of 9 Virtual Exchanges that we are implementing in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways (CLYouth or Youth Co-Design) and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network and Associazione Interculturale Nur.

In this meeting aimed at preparing for the upcoming Youth Forum taking place in Magdeburg, Germany, from the 15th to the 19th of July, participants have:
  • reviewed each local team’s work on their advocacy campaigns one final time
  • discussed the plans for the Youth Forum and clarified what the young people’s role is going to be, how the presentations and workshops are going to work, and what are the needs and requirements to be taken into account
  • explored the ideas for policy recommendations suggested by young people throughout the entire project with our Youth Policy Recommendations DNA Padlet
  • started drafting the policy recommendations to be finalised during the Youth Forum
  • Cities and Regions of Learning and CLYouth
  • digital Open Badges for learning recognition

The Virtual Exchange has taken place online on July 12th 2022.
Task no.1
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#interact verbally in English
#tell a story
#interact through digital technologies
#design advocacy campaigns
#work in teams
#evaluate training
#social media marketing techniques
#show intercultural awareness
#promote youth work in the local community
#Transversal skills/competences
#creatively use digital technologies
#digital competencies
#government policy
#develop educational activities
#strategic planning
#plan teamwork
#reflect on practice
#conduct public presentations
Activități: 9
Started: 1
Listă de activități finalizată: 1
Time to complete: 16ore 30minute


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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