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Sustainability: Challenge yourself for our future!

Prezentare generalăInsigneValidări

Sustainability: Challenge yourself for our future!



*Climate change, plastic, waste, ... these keywords are topics that concern many of us these days. In this playlist, we want to take a closer look to these topics summarised by "sustainability". Check out all four activities to get more information, challenge yourself and discuss about it with others! *
This way you can participate in the playlist and the individual activities:_ _
  • Log in (or create a free account if you are using the platform for the first time).
  • Click on "join" in the playlist. The playlist is now saved in your account and you can view your progress.
  • Look at the individual activities in the playlist. Click on 'join' to start the activity. Read through the activity and engage with the tasks and learning experiences. You will find all the websites and documents mentioned under 'materials' in the activity.
  • For each activity you complete, you will receive a digital badge: upload a proof, e.g. a photo or a screenshot, or write your answer to a question in the text field.

Activități de finalizat

Finalizează următoarele activități, câștigă insigne și vei vedea progresul playlistului tău actualizat
Sustainibility: Learn more
View full activity


This is your first challenge! One week, one small challenge for each day. Are you ready?

Check the graphic below and go for "a week for future". Try to complete everydays task for one whole future. Surely you can mix the days, if it fits better to your agenda. And yes, there are only 6 points and a week has 7 days. However we want that you take the challenge serious and as this might be challenging anyway, one days remains a joker. But hey, if you run for all 7 days, even better. Just create something yourself for our future.

Obțineți insigna de activitate

Sustainability: Challenge yourself! Obțineți această insignă

Informații despre insignăValidări
The owner of this badge took part in the first sustainibility challenge. He/ she tried out one small challenge every day for one week and evaluated about the personal outcome.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Download the picture of the challenge, edit the challenges you tried out (e.g by painting a cross on the picture with your phone) and upload the picture here! (Alternatively you can also write by text input, which days you completed)
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
How did the challenge go? Did you try out something new? Which challenges were easy, which were difficult? What was the most challenging element in the last week? (Share few thoughts by text input)
Activități: 4
Started: 2
Listă de activități finalizată: 0
Time to complete: 7 zile 2ore


Youthopolis NGO
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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