This playlist consists of range of activities aiming to provide opportunities to learn more about self-knowledge, body language, spotting fake news, trust building and coaching.Some activities are digital and can be done anywhere and any time. Couple of activities are place based and require in-person attendance.
These activities we created by the participants of the international Tool Fair XIV taking place in Finland, 2019. Explore more about the event at:
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In this activity, you will learn to read media with a critical eye. The exercise will start with a video, after which you will check your skills with a game. After you are done, write a short review of what you learned and what ideas rise to your mind.
In this activity, you will learn to read media with a critical eye. The exercise will start with a video, after which you will check your skills with a game. After you are done, write a short review of what you learned and what ideas rise to your mind.
Task no.1
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After watching the video and completing the game, write your own ideas about how to critically interpret media you consume.
#observe and understand non-verbal methods of communication
#develop a style for coaching
#non-verbal communication
#communicate with non-verbal language
#body language
#coach staff
#personal development
#coaching client
#think critically
Activități: 4
Started: 2
Listă de activități finalizată: 0
Time to complete: 7 zile 6ore
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