Agir XXI
Nu în organizator


Creativitate și design
Agir XXI
#a business process
16 Nov, 10:00
Meșteșuguri și fabricare
Agir XXI
#activities for recreation, #employ manual sewing techniques, #set up activities involving handmade work, #Developing programmes or activities based on a needs-and-opportunities analysis (including of the community, and of socialising activities), #adapting teaching to target group
18 Mar, 10:00
Angajament civic
Agir XXI
#involve volunteers, #manage a volunteer in a second-hand shop, #manage volunteers in second-hand shop, #managing volunteers, #manage volunteers, #continuously develop competences in social work
7 Dec, 10:30
Angajament civic
Agir XXI
#encourage volunteers, #check the potential of second-hand merchandise, #involve volunteers, #maintain donated goods in second-hand shop, #sell second-hand merchandise, #help volunteers, #design conditions of second-hand merchandise
5 Dec, 15:00
Angajament civic
Agir XXI
#check the potential of second-hand merchandise, #checking the potential of second-hand merchandise, #determine marketability of second-hand goods, #improve conditions of second-hand merchandise, #estimate value of second-hand goods, #supervise volunteers in second-hand shop, #encourage volunteers, #involve volunteers, #maintain volunteers in second-hand shop
26 Oct, 10:00
Angajament civic
Agir XXI
#briefing volunteers, #brief volunteers, #involve the volunteers, #manage the volunteers, #support volunteers, #coordinate volunteers, #manage group of volunteers
5 Dec, 10:00
Meșteșuguri și fabricare
Agir XXI
#apply textile technique for hand-made manufacturing, #use textile techniques for hand-made goods, #use textile technique for hand-made products, #use textile techniques for hand-made products, #apply textile technique, #educate on recycling regulations
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