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Rede DLBC Lisboa
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Involve Democracy
Rede DLBC Lisboa
#Addressing the challenges to young people’s engagement (e.g., fake news and other information disorders) and their impact on political and social developments, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #accomplish standard of practice in social services, #accomplish standard of practice in social services, #achieve standards of practice in social services, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #develop immigration policies, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #achieve standards of practice in social services, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #adult education, #analyse education systems, #advocate education in psycho-social issues
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