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CAMPLUS - Empowerment for migrants


CAMPLUS - Empowerment for migrants



A study of the needs identified ‘on the ground’ in the practices and policies in Europe and outside Europe, confirmed the idea that the inclusion of migrants could be prepared in the camps themselves, before starting a new life. The migrants, in fact, need to become aware of their potential in terms of competences, learn to reflect on their actions in practice and the choices they face in that practice and to be recognised as competent and qualified talents. This will open a way to lead them to more job opportunities and, in general, to their well-being and that of others.

CAMPLUS aims to deal the question on migrant’s inclusion differently by promoting a bottom-up approach which will include migrants as well as educators, NGOs operators. Its main purpose is to be reproduced also in other camps becoming a model for displaced people empowerment.

The objective of the CAMPLUS-model is to capacitate trainers in the fields of:
1. Self- management competences: learning to reflect on one’s actions, recognising one’s potential and building further on one’s learning experiences for creating a (new or better) future.
2. Assessment: reflecting on, valuing and validating prior learning experiences in a summative and a formative way.
3. Counselling and guidance: supporting migrants in the process of self-managing one’s competences for creating new perspectives.
4. Management of validation: mastering the methodology of Personal Resources Management (PRM) for managing the CAMPLUS-training model in the own context.

This manual (see attachement) contains the training-the-trainers programme for learning to work actively on the aims of the CAMPLUS-project with target group of migrants. This programme is designed for training the trainers in in the camps and in service-centres for migrants. It is built on the research-action principle with the aim of facilitating and stimulating lifelong learning and employability, therewith bridging the gap between education and employment for the sake of inclusion of migrants in their ‘new’ country and context.
The manual fills-in six (6) modules for training-the-trainers in the CAMPLUS-training-model for designing, implementing and evaluating a contextualised training for migrants in their own country.
The manual also offers a certification programme for the trainers and for the migrants involved in the

Learning to Reflect

‘Learning to Reflect' is a validation approach based on portfolio management and holistic assessment methodology. It uses a ‘practice what you teach’ approach in these two constituent parts:
1. Portfolio management: recognising personal qualities.
Portfolio management as an integrated part within the general mission of organisations working
for specific target groups by means of:
a. Teaching the target group to organise their own portfolio management and to use it to steer
their own learning process.
b. Teaching the target group to integrate such portfolio management into their existing or new
practice and empowering them to motivate and purposefully steer their (future) career in a
changing society.

2. Holistic Assessment: valuing personal qualities.
Holistic assessment is a summative (assessment OF learning), formative (assessment FOR learning) and reflective (assessment AS learning) tool that is integrated into the personal development approach of citizens in the changing society. The functionality of assessment in people’s learning and work processes is used more effectively and efficiently by not only assessing people summatively, but also by (a) strengthening the formative and reflective functions of assessment and (b) learning to value both informal and formal learning and work experiences in context.
By combining these forms of assessment in ‘a dialogue between learner and trainer’ on the value of being able to learn to reflect on one's own actions and those of others, someone’s participation and functioning in society is enriched by including informal and non-formal learning and work experiences in one’s focus on career and life opportunities. In this way, people learn to use the (self-)valuation of learning to steer their personal learning and work processes.
All forms and functions of summative/formative/reflective assessment are covered, from selfassessment to peer-assessment and from analytical to holistic assessment.
People who apply such reflective and assessment tools in their given practice, strengthen themselves in substantiating and purposefully filling in their personal qualities for the benefit of their career in the changing society.

In conjunction, both aspects of recognising and valuing personal learning experiences form a holistic approach to 'learning to reflect' or 'learning to value with the green pencil one's own actions and those of others', that benefits the creation and strengthening of personalised career and life strategies. The added value of this is that the process of learning to reflect - depending on one's context and career steps - teaches a sustainable, personal quality that helps give lasting meaning to one's career. This quality enables the 'citizen' to continue learning within the chosen profession and education or to become permanently employable elsewhere, in a different setting.

Cover image: Kampus Production on Pexels


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Задание номер 1
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Reflect on the various parts in this manual. What insights did you get from this manual as a whole? In what way could you incorporate these insides in your life and work?


#manage portfolio
#attitude and values
#showing of social competences
Гражданское участие
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Dialogical Validation
Rotterdam City of Learning
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