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GameOn quest 3: Partners and dungeons


GameOn quest 3: Partners and dungeons



Behind every adventure, there’s a team in the “dungeons” that plans everything…

In the case of GameOn - the team are the project partners, and they met all around the realm (mostly on Zoom) to plan this inclusive educational adventure.

Your next quest is to get to know the project partners by working as a digital detective!

Here is a list of partners:
Nexes (ES) – the lead partner,
Nectarus (LT),
Idealúdica (ES),

Clean the dust from your magnifying glass, dig through the internet and find the evidence for the badge of this task, and then proceed to the next playlist activity to continue on your learning adventure!

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation, and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Получить бейдж за трек

GameOn quest 3: Partners and dungeons Получить бейдж

Owners of this badge got to know the GameOn project partners, explored the partners' digital footprint and learned who created the GameOn educational adventure.

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
If you’re completing this activity entirely online:
  • find a post about GameOn on at least two of the partners’ social media and post screenshots as evidence to earn this badge!
Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
If you’re meeting the partners in person at an event:
  • find the GameOn team, ask them about the project and take a picture or selfie with them to post as evidence and earn this badge.
Remember to ask for permission before taking any photo!


#collect data
#analyse information
#carry out internet research
#digital competencies
Готовность к работе и карьере
Добавить в плейлист (1)
Время на выполнение: 30 минут


GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion

Используется в плейлистах

GameOn: Onboarding adventure
GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion
Создано на GameOn
Badgecraft размещает эту платформу и разрабатывает ее вместе с ведущими образовательными организациями. Программа Европейского Союза Erasmus+ выделила софинансирование для создания первой версии этой платформы. Свяжитесь с support@badgecraft.eu.
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