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Digitale vaardigheden
#Identifying digital competence gaps, #Programming, #Solving technical problems, #Creatively using digital technology, #Netiquette, #Protecting health and well-being, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Developing digital content, #Collaborating through digital technologies, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Protecting the environment, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Integrating through digital technologies, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Engaging citizenship through digital technologies, #Protecting devices, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Copyright and licences
#process qualitative information, #digital communication and collaboration, #compile content, #digital content creation, #integrate and re-elaborate digital content
#communicate verbally in Dutch, #correspond in written Dutch, #understand Dutch speech, #understanding written Dutch, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #improve language skills, #writing Dutch, #understand Dutch speech, #understand Dutch writing, #self-reflection, #able to use online tools to collaborate, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #improve language skills, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #applying grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #improve language skills, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #improve language skills, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately
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