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"Kaunas Challenge" - a youth capacity building programme

Thursday, May 19, 2022 14:00 - 15:30
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M. Daukšos g. 34, Kaunas 44383, Lithuania
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"Kaunas Challenge" - a youth capacity building programme

Thursday, May 19, 2022 14:00 - 15:30
M. Daukšos g. 34, Kaunas 44383, Lithuania
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The educational programme Kaunas Challenge is designed to include youth in the joint creation of changes in Kaunas and its district. It is implemented within the Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022.

You will meet with Kaunas Challenge programme coordinators to learn about its activities and what skills it aims to develop.

Every September, a group of Kaunas Challenge participants (15 to 18 years) is selected. The programme takes place from October to March. The programme starts with analysing and creative solutions to real challenges existing in Kaunas city and its district. Then, participants carry out practical tasks, developing projects initiated by the youth and learning how to work in a team. It is an opportunity for young people to realise their ideas for the city together with the team of Kaunas 2022.

Young people who participate in the programme can continue their activities in the alumni club. They are empowered to learn from the existing experience and experiment with implementing their own ideas. The long-term vision of the alumni club is to enable young people to create and implement one of the significant events of 2022.

Find out more about the Kaunas Challenge programme on Facebook and Instagram.

Kaunas Challenge programme carries out its activities in the TEMPO space in the Old Town of Kaunas. Anyone can stop by to become acquainted and share their ideas for the city.

This study visit activity is a part of a Cities of Learning study visit organised from 16 to 21 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The study visit is realised within the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "Online 21st century skills education".

Visual promoting Kaunas Challenge programme:
Visual promotion of Kaunas Challenge programme

Image source: Kaunas Challenge Facebook page

Kaunas Challenge: kick-off event of the 6th programme edition:

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Creative capacity builder Pridobi to značko

Informacije o značkiPotrditve
Badge earners met with Kaunas Challenge programme coordinators to learn about its activities and what skills it aims to develop. The educational programme Kaunas Challenge is designed to include youth in the joint creation of changes in Kaunas and its district. It is implemented within the Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022.

During the visit participants had opportunities to learn about:
  • how this youth programme is realised;
  • what 21st-century skills it enables to develop;
  • how the programme support skills awareness and recognition;
  • TEMPO space and its activities;
  • Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022 activities.

This study visit activity is a part of a Cities of Learning study visit organised from 16 to 21 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The study visit is realised within the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "Online 21st century skills education".
Naloga št.1
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Participate in a visit. Learn about the Kaunas Challenge youth capacity-building programme. You can upload photos from the visit and share your reflections on the following questions:
  1. What did you take from this visit?
  2. What 21st-century skills does this programme support?
  3. How can you engage with arts, culture and creative industry organisations in your city?


M. Daukšos g. 34, Kaunas 44383, Lithuania


#spodbujati ustvarjalne procese
#posvetovati se z ekipo o ustvarjalnem projektu
#uporabljati pedagoške strategije za olajšanje ustvarjalnega procesa
#oglaševati dogodke kulturno-umetniške ustanove
#organizirati dogodke
#spodbujati mladinsko delo v lokalni skupnosti
Umetnost in kultura
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Potreben čas za dokončanje: 1 uri 30 minuta


Vilnius City of Learning

Uporabljeno v seznamu predvajanja

21st-century skills study visit
Vilnius City of Learning
Ustvarjeno na Vilnius City of Learning
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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