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European Funding Programmes

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European Funding Programmes

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This learning playlist consists of a range of activities which aim to get to know European Mobility Programmes for young people and youth workers. Just click on the activities below and learn about European mobility opportunities!

Activity 1- Discovering International Youth Work: What is Youth Work and how diverse it can be at the international level. Learn more about international youth work by clicking on this activity.

Activity 2 - European Mobility Programmes: Explore the European Mobility Programmes for young people and youth workers. Dive in international youth exchanges and learn about professional development opportunities for youth workers! Moreover, explore the different types of youth worker training and networking activities offered by European mobility programmes.

Activity 3 -European Mobility Programmes Beyond: Learn about European Youth Together projects that aim to create networks promoting regional partnerships and find out more about KA2 -Cooperation among organisations and institutions projects, aiming to support the quality development of youth and how they can support long-term cooperation projects.

Activity 4- Volunteering Opportunities: Learn about volunteering activities supported by European Programmes.

This educational resource was created to support youth workers' competence development in the "Programme design" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally:
  • Competence in action (behaviour): Involves the young people in designing the programme, where possible
  • Knowledge of the values and key principles of non-formal learning
  • Willingness to research and stay up-to-date with the newest developments in non-formal learning-related practices
  • Skill in developing meaningful programmes that motivate and engage young people
  • Ability to create conditions for young people to feel and show solidarity with different values, beliefs and worldviews
  • Skill of identifying external influences on the development of the practice of youth workers

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - send us an email! Contact us at info@nectarus.lt for further questions.

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Opravite naslednje aktivnosti, prislužite si značke in videli boste posodobitev napredka na seznamu predvajanja
Discover International Youth Work
30 minuta
Prikaži celotno aktivnost


#design mobility programmes
#assess training programme
#design training programmes
#promote youth work in communities
#design mobility programmes
#design mobility programmes
#razvijati strategije mednarodnega sodelovanja
#advocate communication between parties
#involve the volunteers
#podpirati prostovoljce
#encourage volunteers
#inform volunteers
Aktivnosti: 4
Začeto: 20
Dokončan seznam predvajanja: 0
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 2 ure 15 minuta


Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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