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My pathway to a volunteering experience

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My pathway to a volunteering experience

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Welcome to your pathway to a volunteering experience!
This learning playlist consists of a range of activities which aim to lead you step by step to the volunteering opportunity of your dreams!
The value of international youth-work: In the first opportunity you can discover the value of youth work. A volunteering service is closely related to the topic and therefore it´s useful to know about it.
Volunteering experience: What is that? In the second activity you can explore what a volunteering experience is if you don´t know yet. We especially want to introduce you to the European Solidarity Corps, which is funded by the European Commission.
Is it the right track? In the third activity you get the opportunity to check yourself. Is a volunteering experience the right track for you?
Find your perfect match! The fourth activity helps you to find the perfect match: the volunteering experience of your dreams!
Tips and tricks to your application: In the fifth activity we offer you tips and tricks to a hopefully successful application.
My application: You are ready to apply? Earn a badge doing so in the sixth activity!
My successful participation: And finally it´s time to tell your own story of your volunteering experience in the last activity!

This playlist is created by Cities of Learning, an international network of youth organizations. We want to encourage people to use the many opportunities that are out there.

Dejavnosti za dokončanje

Opravite naslednje aktivnosti, prislužite si značke in videli boste posodobitev napredka na seznamu predvajanja
The value of international youth-work
Ni obvezno
20 minuta
Prikaži celotno aktivnost


Now that you know what a volunteering experience is and you learned how to write a good application, it is time to actually apply! Do your best and use everything you learned in the last activity! Put in everything you´ve got in you!
We hope your effort is successful and keep our fingers crossed for you!
For the case you don´t get accepted, it is not the end of the world. sometimes many people apply for the same opportunity and only one of them can get lucky. But don´t loose heart, maybe with your next application you will be the lucky one!
Be proud to have the courage to take this step. We will celebrate your success, no matter how long your pathway was to that point!

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Applicant (Volunteering experience) Pridobi to značko

Informacije o značkiPotrditve
Earners of this badge have submitted an application for an international volunteering opportunity.
Naloga št.1
Izda organizator ali skeniranje QR kode
Show us some kind of evidence, for example a screenshot, that you have submitted an application to an international volunteering opportunity.
Naloga št.2
Izda organizator ali skeniranje QR kode
Use the forum to share what you applied for. What are you most exited for, looking forward to your volunteering experience?


#dajati navodila prostovoljcem
#encourage volunteers
#help volunteers
#inform volunteers
#involve the volunteers
#vključevati prostovoljce
#recruit volunteers
#manage personal lifelong learning
#Applying non-formal learning principles in programme design with emphasis on youth-centeredness, transparency, democratic values, participation, empowerment, and social transformation
#Knowledge of assessment practices in non-formal learning
#Knowledge of the values and key principles of non-formal learning
#briefing volunteers
#arrange charity activities
#help volunteers
#encourage volunteers
#inform volunteers
#application method
#encourage cultural diversity
#advise on careers
#accord help on self management
#achieve optimal time-critical decision making
#foreign languages for careers abroad
#counsel on career
#Acknowledging the experiences of others
Aktivnosti: 7
Začeto: 4
Dokončan seznam predvajanja: 0
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 1 uri 55 minuta


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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