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Seznami predvajanja
Think Forward
Aktivnosti Seznami predvajanja


Careers Cultural Creatives
Think Forward
#research methodology, #manage your art career, #offer suggestions on career, #creative thinking, #defining creative components, #advise on careers, #thinking creatively, #ustvarjalno razmišljati
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Think Forward
#share information, #posredovati sporočila osebam, #proactive thinking, #follow social media, #graphic designs, #communicate with targeted community, #utilise social media marketing, #create creative ideas, #komunicirati s ciljno skupnostjo, #reflect on learning process, #self-reflection, #ustvarjalno razmišljati, #analiza novic, #osebni razvoj, #keep track of social media, #pripravljati kampanje, #think critically
Think Forward
#Encourages sharing and expressing using adequate methods, #conversation, #svetovati o duševnem zdravju, #self-reflection, #advance discussion in society, #Encourages learners’ self-reflection through role-modeling, #svetovati o zdravem življenjskem slogu, #Being transparent about their personal emotional state and sharing thoughts in a simple manner, #foster gender equality, #Wellbeing
Think Forward
#remember information, #self-reflection, #apply active listening techniques, #biti v stiku s svojim telesom, #stay focused
Think Forward
#Netiquette, #set up passwords and private settings, #cyber-security regulation, #tehnologije v oblaku, #offer suggestions on career, #able to use online conventions of netiquette, #up-date online security measures, #creative thinking, #review online privacy settings, #kibernetska varnost, #kreativno uporabljati digitalne tehnologije, #use spreadsheet documents, #control photographic tools, #research online user base, #share information, #protect online privacy and identity, #defend online privacy and identity
Think Forward
#able to use learning strategies, #assess opinions, #carry out a research strategy, #Inspire and get inspired, #udeleževati se dogodkov, #self-reflection, #active event participation, #adjust teaching to target group, #kritično razmišljati o procesih umetniške produkcije, #Reflect, #accept feedback, #control photographic tools, #document and share well results, #choose artistic materials to create artworks, #ustvarjalno razmišljati
Think Forward
#filmske študije, #remember information, #creative thinking, #create solutions, #photography, #problem solving, #self-awareness, #tell jokes, #zapomniti si vlogo, #memorise facts, #self-evaluate, #gledati prizore, #remain focused, #razmišljanje
Think Forward
#anticipate distribution activities, #nastaviti zvočno opremo, #strojne platforme, #test sound quality, #plan a music show, #attend editorial meetings, #acoustic sounds, #audio editing program, #apply specific writing techniques, #programska oprema za montažo in obdelavo zvoka, #application of social media marketing, #administer social media marketing
Think Forward
#ethics, #lead and influence, #compile materials for decision making, #making decisions, #apply learning strategies, #Behave ethically, #communicating, #Reflect, #Reflecting and using diverse ways and methods to increase self-awareness, #reflect on actions, #identify ethical issues, #share ideas, #share information, #vedenje in vrednote, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #ethics, #lead and influence, #compile materials for decision making, #making decisions, #apply learning strategies, #Behave ethically, #communicating, #Reflect, #reflect on actions, #identify ethical issues, #share ideas, #share information, #vedenje in vrednote
Think Forward
#Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #able to use learning strategies, #advocate social relationships, #build professional network, #communicating effectively and efficiently, #reflect on learning process, #Communicate effectively, #Can reflect on and assess purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establish relationships across domains, #Adaptability, #collaborate on tasks, #Can reflect on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential, #accept feedback, #responding positively to difficult work situations, #able to use learning strategies, #advocate social relationships, #build professional network, #communicating effectively and efficiently, #reflect on learning process, #Communicate effectively, #Can reflect on and assess purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establish relationships across domains, #Adaptability, #collaborate on tasks, #Can reflect on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential, #accept feedback, #responding positively to difficult work situations
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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