Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living

Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living

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Welcome to Operation Odyssey’s first training module; Pathways to Effective Living. In this engaging and empowering 4-day course, you'll explore the transformative principles from Stephen Covey's renowned book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This course is designed to help you develop core personal and professional skills that are essential for success in today's fast-paced world.You’ll dive into key concepts such as emotional intelligence, proactive problem-solving, effective communication, and self-leadership. Each habit you learn will empower you to take control of your life, make more thoughtful decisions, and create meaningful connections.Join us on this journey toward becoming a more effective, empowered individual!

Aktivnosti koje treba dovršiti

Obavite sledeće aktivnosti, steknite značke znanja i videćete da se napredak vaše plejliste ažurira
Synergy & Renewal
1 dan


#proactive thinking
#personality development paradigms
#Questions/critically reflects on own values, personal motives and urges for solidarity, and aligns them with own actions to walk the talk
#Define priorities
#develop time management skills
#build effective cross-group cooperation
#Reflecting on own values and senses of belonging to increase self-awareness and understanding of difference
#Promoting communication and collaboration amongst the team members to nurture qualities and deal with resistance
#Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
Aktivnosti: 4
Započeto: 12
Završena plejlista: 0
Vreme za završetak: 4 dana
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