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Log in Log out: Healthy lifestyle through new technologies

Exchanger Onboard

I participated in the introduction of the ‘Log in Log out: Healthy Lifestyle through new technologies’ badge system to support learning and recognition during the international youth exchange projects. I got to know the game rules and basic information about Open Badges.
Taak nr.1
Uitgegeven door organisator of door scannen van QR code
Participate in the presentation of the Youth Exchangers badge system. Use the badge claim code to earn this badge to start claiming other youth exchange badges.


Log in Log out: Healthy lifestyle through new technologies
Badgecraft host dit platform en ontwikkelt het samen met toonaangevende educatieve organisaties. Het programma Erasmus+ van de Europese Unie heeft cofinanciering verleend voor de bouw van de eerste versie van dit platform. Neem contact op met support@badgecraft.eu.
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