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Log in Log out: Healthy lifestyle through new technologies

Exchanger Onboard

I participated in the introduction of the ‘Log in Log out: Healthy Lifestyle through new technologies’ badge system to support learning and recognition during the international youth exchange projects. I got to know the game rules and basic information about Open Badges.
Naloga št.1
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Participate in the presentation of the Youth Exchangers badge system. Use the badge claim code to earn this badge to start claiming other youth exchange badges.


Log in Log out: Healthy lifestyle through new technologies
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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