Su di noi
Thessaloniki city of learning
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Attività Playlist


Ability to work in intercultural environments
Thessaloniki city of learning
#work cooperatively, #cooperate, #Team up, #stimulate teambuilding, #team-working, #self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #self-awareness, #share information, #analyse cultures, #examine cultures, #Define problems, #problem solve, #identify problems, #work together with co-workers, #show intercultural competence, #improve intercultural communication methods, #team-working, #Define problems, #work cooperatively, #examine cultures, #conversation, #exercising self-control, #remember information, #ascoltare attivamente, #self-awareness, #storia delle culture, #progetti culturali, #Communicate effectively, #learning difficulty, #studiare le culture, #work together with co-workers, #team development, #difficoltà di apprendimento, #summarise story, #task planning, #Learning to learn, #manage tasking, #identify problems, #photography, #memorize information, #show intercultural competence, #self-reflection, #share information, #evidence intercultural awareness, #Managing learning, #problem solve
Creatività e design
Thessaloniki city of learning
#collaborate for social inclusion, #create creative ideas, #Empathy, #organizzare la partecipazione a manifestazioni internazionali
Opportunità internazionali e intercultura
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Communicate effectively, #conversation, #team-working, #team development, #work together with co-workers, #self-reflection, #self-awareness, #work cooperatively, #ascoltare attivamente, #problem solve
Sviluppo individuale
Thessaloniki city of learning
#adattare le priorità, #alter priorities, #prioritise a request, #prioritise a task, #prioritise actions, #prioritise according to changing circumstances, #accurately keep time, #develop time management skills, #delegare le attività, #adapt practice within emergency and urgentcare environment, #delegate tasks, #apply self-control, #administer management skills, #analytical thinking
Opportunità internazionali e intercultura
Thessaloniki city of learning
#advocate for human rights, #apply self defence, #education on human sexuality, #demonstrate empathy, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #Ability to listen actively, #Ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions, #Being diversity-aware, #self-reflection, #acknowledge cultural differences, #understand needs of representation, #Awareness of identity-related issues
Ambiente ed ecologia
Thessaloniki city of learning
#environmental sustainability, #environmental science, environmental protection, #ecology, #principi ecologici, #environmental regulations, #energy, #energy saving, saving energy, #energia solare, #sun energy, #team-working, #active listening, #share information, #memorizzare informazioni, #team development, #Critical thinking, #Think sustainably, #tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, #present data
Ambiente ed ecologia
Thessaloniki city of learning
#environmental sustainability, #environmental laws, #evaluate historic climate changes, #impatto dei cambiamenti climatici, #self-reflection, #observe information, #analyse information, #environmental science, environmental protection
Opportunità internazionali e intercultura
Thessaloniki city of learning
#examine cultures, #studiare le culture, #storia delle culture, #memorize information, #progetti culturali, #share information, #difficoltà di apprendimento, #problem solve, #identify problems, #show intercultural competence, #Define problems
Thessaloniki city of learning
#browse the internet, #team-working, #sviluppare le competenze personali, #proactive thinking, #individuare le lacune di abilità, #creazione di spirito di gruppo, #mostrare competenze sociali, #Listening actively, #tecnologie dell'apprendimento, #remember information, #Critical thinking, #self-evaluate, #Learn to learn, #sviluppo personale, #receive applications, #lavorare con diversi gruppi destinatari, #self-awareness, #possedere capacità dirigenziali, #responsabilizzare le persone, le famiglie e i gruppi, #management of social media, #follow social media, #computer devices, #Reflect, #e-learning, #mail register, #computer literacy, #organise work, #tecnologia informatica, #Share and protect ideas, #pianificazione strategica, #self-reflection, #Communication, #think critically, #share information
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Learning to learn, #riflessione, #thinking proactively, #self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #self-awareness, #self-control, #categorise information, #information visualization, #share information, #memorizzare informazioni, #organise information, #organise work, #comunicazione, #managing time, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #learning difficulty, #Managing learning, #plan learning, #monitor learning process, #create individual learning plans, #evaluate info, #individuare le opportunità, #organise information, #self-evaluate, #Learn to learn, #thinking proactively, #memorising information, #riflessione, #learning difficulty, #pinpoint opportunities, #Learning to learn, #comunicazione, #create individual learning plans, #plan learning, #memorise info, #organise work, #monitor learning process, #self-reflection, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #Managing learning
Sviluppo individuale
Thessaloniki city of learning
#self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #think critically, #stimulate creativity in the team, #self-awareness, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #evaluate character
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
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