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A path to personal development: Create your gratitude journal

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A path to personal development: Create your gratitude journal

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A path to personal development: Create your 'Gratitude Journal' Pridobi to značko

At the end of the day, take a step back—right before you sleep, or at any other time during the day when you feel the need to pause.

Close your eyes and take five slow, deep breaths. Don’t think about anything, just focus on your breathing.
Once you’ve finished these five breaths, start thinking about the positive aspects of your daily life. As you do this, continue breathing deeply to release any stress you may be holding.

Write down three positive outcomes from your day and read them out loud. Repeat this exercise for seven days!
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
In order to earn a badge, provide us with a text of five to ten lines once you have completed this activity.
Your feedback is important, not only for you but also for others who may be facing a similar situation.

Write to us in a few lines about whether this 'Gratitude Journal' was meaningful for your personal development, and if not, explain why the experience wasn’t beneficial for you.

The key to this exercise is consistency over seven days, even if you don't notice an impact or change in the first few days.So don't give up! Keep this rhythm for seven days, and let us know what this experience meant to you.

This badge is earned as a sign of recognition for your effort to change your perspective on the negative aspects of daily life. It will help you become more aware of the beauty around you and can contribute to your ongoing personal development activities.
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Potreben čas za dokončanje: 7 dan


Antwerpen City of Learning
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