O nas
Seznami predvajanja
Aktivnosti Seznami predvajanja Assessment


European Funding Programmes
#design mobility programmes, #assess training programme, #design training programmes, #promote youth work in communities, #design mobility programmes, #design mobility programmes, #razvijati strategije mednarodnega sodelovanja, #advocate communication between parties, #involve the volunteers, #podpirati prostovoljce, #encourage volunteers, #inform volunteers
Pridruži se
#self-reflection, #active listening, #self-reflection, #osebni razvoj
#Applies digital technologies, tools and e-learning where necessary/relevant in planning, designing, delivering and evaluating activities, #Where relevant, integrating ict, e-learning and other tools and methods into the educational activity, #Considers the political implications and the power structures in the use of digital media and technology, #Is aware of fake news issues, how to recognise, address and contrast them, #Refers to various assessment and self-assessment principles and methods, #Enables participants to be creative and think out of the box, #Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners needs, #Refers to various ways of collecting information, #Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements, #Is aware of the regulations and elaborates a safety plan, incorporating online privacy procedures and online behavioural recommendations when needed, #Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools, #Critically assesses the sources of information, #Connecting [youth] policies and educational programmes, #Identifies the digital literacy level of participants and adjusts activities accordingly, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking, #Identifies the information relevant to an issue or a question, #Knows and applies GDPR regulations in collecting, processing and sharing data, #Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data , #Refers to relevant digital technologies, tools and related uses in non-formal learning settings, #Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.), #Dares to improvise and experiment and to acknowledge the importance of this, #Facilitates problem solving, #Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc
#delati v skupinah, #accept challenges, #informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, #reflect on learning process, #izvajati samoocenjevanje, #self-reflection, #recognise opportunities, #supporting colleagues, #think critically
#stimulating creativity in the team, #analytical thinking, #facilitate the team's communication, #upravljati vire za dejavnosti na prostem, #upravljati povratne informacije, #draft definitions, #facilitate creativity in the team, #evaluating outdoor activities, #self-awareness, #active listening, #review outdoor activities, #working in an international environment, #reading books, #accept feedback, #self-reflection, #observation of participants, #think critically
#spodbujati ustvarjalnost v skupini, #analytical thinking, #delati v skupinah, #facilitate the team's communication, #self-reflection, #structured methodology, #govoriti v javnosti, #reading books, #analitično razmišljati, #self-reflection, #work in cooperation with colleagues, #support less experienced colleagues, #think critically
#do self-assessment, #encourage learning programmes, #recognise opportunities, #conduct interviews, #manage personal lifelong learning, #analytical thinking, #develop intercultural communication methods, #build professional network, #active listening, #communication, #e-izobraževanje, #informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, #manage fundraising activity, #self-reflection
#creative thinking, #self-awareness, #podjetništvo, #refleksija, #kazati podjetniški duh, #encourage learning programmes, #programme management, #kazati medkulturno ozaveščenost, #distribute activities, #planning, #advises on learning methods
#digitalno sporazumevanje in sodelovanje, #neformalus ugdymas, #organizirati vadbo, #deliti podatke, informacije in digitalne vsebine s pomočjo digitalnih tehnologij, #usklajevati sporazumevanje na daljavo, #skaitmeninės technologijos, #sodelovati s pomočjo digitalnih tehnologij, #dogovarjati se za sestanke, #usmerjati in podpirati mlade
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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