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Antwerpen City of Learning
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Tehnologija in računalniki
#DigitalMarketing webinars
Antwerpen City of Learning
Pridruži se
Antwerpen City of Learning
#reševanje problemov z orodji in strojno opremo IKT, #administer the brand strategic planning process, #principles of project management, #stimulate creativity in the team, #digitalno sporazumevanje in sodelovanje, #implementing strategic planning, #Creatively using digital technology, #content of project management principles, #upravljanje podatkov o proizvodu, #Supporting learners in developing critical thinking, #upravljanje družbenih medijev, #work in collaboration with co-workers, #Collaboration, #analyse research on trends in design, #arrange design layout, #add designs, #support creativity in the team, #apply online communication tools, #educate on digital literacy, #collect and manage customer feedback, #apply problem-solving in social services, #provide instruction on digital literacy, #razvijati pedagoški koncept, #explain digital literacy, #reševati težave na področju socialnega varstva, #Critical thinking, #apply specific communication channels, #able to use online communication tools, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking, #ustvarjati digitalne vsebine, #prilagajati se novim materialom za oblikovanje, #big data analysis, #complete data analysis, #project management in construction, #reševanje problemov z orodji in strojno opremo IKT, #administer the brand strategic planning process, #principles of project management, #stimulate creativity in the team, #digitalno sporazumevanje in sodelovanje, #implementing strategic planning, #Creatively using digital technology, #content of project management principles, #upravljanje podatkov o proizvodu, #upravljanje družbenih medijev, #work in collaboration with co-workers, #Collaboration, #analyse research on trends in design, #arrange design layout, #add designs, #support creativity in the team, #apply online communication tools, #educate on digital literacy, #collect and manage customer feedback, #apply problem-solving in social services, #provide instruction on digital literacy, #razvijati pedagoški koncept, #explain digital literacy, #reševati težave na področju socialnega varstva, #Critical thinking, #apply specific communication channels, #able to use online communication tools, #ustvarjati digitalne vsebine, #prilagajati se novim materialom za oblikovanje, #big data analysis, #complete data analysis, #project management in construction
Tehnologija in računalniki
Antwerpen City of Learning
#add designs, #prilagajati se novim materialom za oblikovanje, #arrange design layout, #Creatively using digital technology, #provide instruction on digital literacy
Tehnologija in računalniki
Antwerpen City of Learning
#digitalno sporazumevanje in sodelovanje, #upravljanje podatkov o proizvodu, #work in collaboration with co-workers, #educate on digital literacy, #provide instruction on digital literacy, #reševati težave na področju socialnega varstva, #able to use online communication tools, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking, #big data analysis, #project management in construction
Civic engagement
Antwerpen City of Learning
#reševanje problemov z orodji in strojno opremo IKT, #principles of project management, #stimulate creativity in the team, #content of project management principles, #Collaboration, #analyse research on trends in design, #support creativity in the team, #apply online communication tools, #educate on digital literacy, #collect and manage customer feedback, #apply problem-solving in social services, #razvijati pedagoški koncept, #explain digital literacy, #Supporting learners in developing critical thinking, #Critical thinking, #apply specific communication channels, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking
Tehnologija in računalniki
Antwerpen City of Learning
#educate on digital literacy, #explain digital literacy, #upravljanje družbenih medijev, #ustvarjati digitalne vsebine, #complete data analysis, #able to use online communication tools, #apply online communication tools, #administer the brand strategic planning process, #implementing strategic planning
Antwerpen City of Learning
#environmental sustainability, #maintain a recycling record, #sewing, #self-awareness, #wasted plastic processing, #performing carbonation processes, #vpliv podnebnih sprememb, #executing inspection walkway, #sustain purchasing activities, #ekološka načela
#10 Sustainable Green Europe
Antwerpen City of Learning
#vpliv podnebnih sprememb, #performing carbonation processes, #self-awareness, #environmental sustainability
#10 Sustainable Green Europe
Antwerpen City of Learning
#executing inspection walkway, #ekološka načela, #wasted plastic processing, #maintain a recycling record, #environmental sustainability, #sustain purchasing activities
Antwerpen City of Learning
#conduct presentations to the public, #deliver live presentation, #give public presentations, #communicatie technieken, #give a presentation, #conduct presentations to the public, #create presentation material
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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