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Embassy of Compassion: Activity 3 - Deep Listening

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Embassy of Compassion: Activity 3 - Deep Listening

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Deep listening is part of diving into your own stream of thoughts and understanding that flow.

Practice deep listening wherever and whenever you can. Try to shift your stream of thoughts from yourself (what do I know, what is my response) to the people you are talking to and their words, without personal reaction (without interrupting and without jumping in with solutions or answers).

Breathing exercises can greatly benefit deep listening and connecting with yourself.

Look at the materials below and reflect:
  • How do I listen?
  • Do I use any exercises (for active listening, breathing exercises)?
  • How can deep listening help me to strengthen relationships in practice?


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I know Deep Listening Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

The recipient of this badge has learned about the concept of deep listening and has tried it out in practice.

Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Practice deep listening – before you respond to everyday situations, take a 6-second pause. Think of one situation and describe how the exercise worked in the given situations and conversations.

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Embassy of Compassion
Javni zavod Mladi Zmaji
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