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Embassy of Compassion

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Embassy of Compassion

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Before you step into the circle of compassion and spaces where compassion is actively nurtured, take a moment to check how you understand compassion.

The activities ahead of you will help enhance your understanding and awareness of the value of compassion. Through practical exercises, you will deepen your understanding of it, encourage the transfer of insights and practices into your everyday life and work, and use the acquired knowledge and experiences to create a compassion-driven community. This community will foster a safe space for connection and expand the collective consciousness of compassion.

The activities you will encounter next are:
  • compassion,
  • self-compassion,
  • deep listening, and
  • spreading compassion.

Compassion is a mechanism; it is our holistic response to suffering — the suffering of those around us and our own. It has a strong impact on interpersonal relationships and enables the creation of a sense of safety, trust, and closeness among people. Compassion brings positive change to the world, as it encourages us to take actions that improve our lives and the lives of others.

The world we live in increasingly calls for compassion, as a compassionate approach helps address challenges in the community. In this playlist, we will explore compassion as a competence, along with aspects of compassion towards others and self-compassion.

Compassion is a quality that can be cultivated through practice, along with an awareness of how our actions affect other people and ourselves. Therefore, in the learning playlist that is in front of you, we invite you to join us in an inspiring exploration of compassion and, through interactive tasks, discover its various aspects. The knowledge and understanding you will gain will help you to:
build connected relationships,
develop empathy, and
create positive change in your immediate and broader environment.

Join us in exploring and spreading a culture of compassion.

And an invitation: if you would like to learn more about the workbook "Leadership Based on Compassion," feel free to write to the email address voditeljstvo@mladizmaji.si, and we will send you a PDF copy.

Aktivnosti koje treba dovršiti

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Embassy of Compassion: Activity 1 - Compassion
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Aktivnosti: 4
Započeto: 1
Završena plejlista: 0
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