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EU Rights Quest
PlanBe, Plan it, Be it
#advocate for human rights, #Demonstrates a good understanding of human rights and democracy principles in a non-formal learning/training context (regarding the design of the programme, when choosing the educational approach and methodology), #Uses and /or puts into practice the basics of human rights and human rights education and related methods, #Enables space for thoughts and opinions based on different values and worldviews, while ensuring respect for human rights, #Demonstrates a good understanding of human rights and democracy principles in a non-formal learning/training context (regarding the design of the programme, when choosing the educational approach and methodology), #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #apply data protection, #Demonstrates a good understanding of human rights and democracy principles in a non-formal learning/training context (regarding the design of the programme, when choosing the educational approach and methodology), #Demonstrates a good understanding of human rights and democracy principles in a non-formal learning/training context (regarding the design of the programme, when choosing the educational approach and methodology), #Encouraging young people to reflect and exchange ideas regarding issues such as solidarity, social justice, promoting/protecting human rights, discrimination, dignity and equality, #Encouraging young people to reflect and exchange ideas regarding issues such as solidarity, social justice, promoting/protecting human rights, discrimination, dignity and equality
#communicate verbally in French, #French, #writing French, #speak French, #verbally interact in French, #deliver live presentation, #Demonstrating skills in report writing and presentations geared towards a variety of audiences, #Aiming at reaching educational aims by using specific ways and methods that encourage creativity, problem solving, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, in different environmental aspects, #Ensuring that knowledge, skills, styles and preferences in the team are shared and communicated, #Collaborating in teams, #assist teamwork between students, #create a plan of teamwork, #develop teamwork schedule, #plan teamwork, #teamwork methods, #teamwork approaches, #encourage teamwork between students, #facilitating teamwork between students, #search for information online, #Encourages curiosity about their own learning process, #generate creative ideas, #encourage creative processes, #Enables participants to be creative and think out of the box, #developing creative ideas, #develop creative ideas, #creative thinking, #brainstorming ideas, #brainstorming, #generate creative ideas, #encourage creative processes, #developing creative ideas, #develop creative ideas, #create creative ideas, #produce creative ideas, #creative thinking, #plan teamwork, #keeping logbooks, #keep logbooks, #develop a portfolio, #conduct presentations to the public, #conduct public presentations, #conducting presentations to the public, #conducting public presentations, #deliver live presentation, #communicate verbally in French, #French, #verbally interact in French, #speak French
Bibliotheek Rotterdam
#komunicirati s tretjimi osebami, #share through digital technologies, #think creatively
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#browse, search and filter data, information and digital content, #collaborate through digital technologies, #compose digital game story, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #create concept of digital game, #create digital files, #creatively use digital technologies, #cut raw footage digitally, #design digital call to action, #develop digital content, #digital communication and collaboration, #digital competencies, #digital content creation, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #develop professional identity in social work, #maintain ICT identity management, #manage digital identity, #safeguard online privacy and identity, #creatively use digital technologies, #principles of artificial intelligence
#communicate verbally in Dutch, #correspond in written Dutch, #understand Dutch speech, #understanding written Dutch, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #improve language skills, #writing Dutch, #understand Dutch speech, #understand Dutch writing, #self-reflection, #able to use online tools to collaborate, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #improve language skills, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #applying grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #improve language skills, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #communicate verbally in Dutch, #improve language skills, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately, #improve language skills, #follow grammar and spelling rules, #self-reflection, #receive feedback, #Uses digital communication tools adequately
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
UG Libero
N.A.C. Breda
#encourage teambuilding, #identify talents, #able to use digital device operating systems, #art history, #football, #kinds of sugar
UG Libero
#Being attentive to body language, #Addressing others’ unexpressed concerns, feelings, or interests, #Acting authentically, #Being OK with imperfections, failures, and mistakes, #Being transparent about their personal emotional state and sharing thoughts in a simple manner, #Being honest, respectful and transparent, #Aiming at reaching educational aims by using specific ways and methods that encourage creativity, problem solving, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, in different environmental aspects
Rede DLBC Lisboa
#Addressing the challenges to young people’s engagement (e.g., fake news and other information disorders) and their impact on political and social developments, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #accomplish standard of practice in social services, #accomplish standard of practice in social services, #achieve standards of practice in social services, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #develop immigration policies, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #Fostering democratic and active participation, #achieve standards of practice in social services, #act according to political, social and cultural contexts of social service users, #assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country, #Applying democracy and human rights principles, #advise policy makers on social service issues, #adult education, #analyse education systems, #advocate education in psycho-social issues
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Educação
#analyse education system
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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