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28 May, 16:30
Arts and culture
La Meraviglia si nasconde. Urban game per famiglie nel quartiere di Castello
Imago Mundi OdV
#work in teams, #demonstrate curiosity, #art history, #archaeology, #survey techniques
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#develop time management skills, #stimulates creativity in the team, #stimulate creativity in the team, #plan events, #complete deadlines, #initiate contacts with sellers, #innovation processes, #coordinate care of neglected animals, #work in teams, #manage resources outdoor, #develop problem solving strategy, #team working, #active listening, #allenare la pazienza, #do research on topics related to speech, #accept own accountability, #show professional responsibility, #Communication, #think critically, #promote animals, #capacità di adattamento di un'organizzazione, #demonstrate consideration
Civic engagement
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#work in teams, #active listening, #Communication, #team working, #show professional responsibility, #develop time management skills, #complete deadlines, #develop problem solving strategy, #initiate contacts with sellers, #manage resources outdoor
Career and job readiness
Turin Metropolitan city of learning
#work in teams, #innovation processes, #stimulate creativity in the team, #demonstrate consideration, #accept own accountability, #show professional responsibility
16 Mar, 16:00
Career and job readiness
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#work in teams, #community education, #operate games, #promote inclusion, #analyse problems for opportunities, #Transversal skills/competences
Career and job readiness
Zavod Nefiks
#predstaviti pravila igre, #team building, #work in teams, #operate games, #vodenje oseb, #varstvo otrok, #miselne igre, #plan team building, #plan youth activities
Creativity and design
Imago Mundi OdV
#work in teams, #types of media, #mass media studies, #audio editing plugin, #record music, #musical genres, #select music, #teach journalistic practices, #operate radio equipment
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#create educational resources, #stimulate creativity in the team, #disseminate information, #work in teams, #develop professional networks, #disseminate research findings, #share ideas, #promote inclusion
14 Nov, 20:30
International and Intercultural
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#promote inclusion, #disseminate information, #work in teams, #stimulate creativity in the team, #share ideas, #create educational resources
Creativity and design
Consorzio Camu
#manual draughting techniques, #work in teams, #participate in activities related to arts education
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#team-working, #interact verbally in English, #tell a story, #interact through digital technologies, #design advocacy campaigns, #work in teams, #evaluate training, #social media marketing techniques, #show intercultural awareness, #promote youth work in the local community, #communication, #Transversal skills/competences, #creatively use digital technologies, #digital competencies, #government policy, #logistics, #develop educational activities, #strategic planning, #plan teamwork, #reflect on practice, #conduct public presentations
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #work in teams, #show intercultural awareness, #promote youth work in the local community, #Transversal skills/competences, #strategic planning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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