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Passaporte Competências Digitais
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#browse, search and filter data, information and digital content, #collaborate through digital technologies, #compose digital game story, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #create concept of digital game, #create digital files, #creatively use digital technologies, #cut raw footage digitally, #design digital call to action, #develop digital content, #digital communication and collaboration, #digital competencies, #digital content creation, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #develop professional identity in social work, #maintain ICT identity management, #manage digital identity, #safeguard online privacy and identity, #creatively use digital technologies, #principles of artificial intelligence
20 Jun, 17:00
International and Intercultural
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#digital competencies, #team-working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences, #promote inclusion
21 Mar, 17:00
International and Intercultural
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#digital competencies, #team-working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences, #promote mental health
Radio Eter
#create digital files, #Skills to integrate digital tools, media, and environments in the activities when needed and beneficial, #Is able to create or collaborate to the creation of digital content as videos, podcasts, memes, #adapt public space for creative use, #self-reflection, #brainstorming, #adjust the work throughout the creative process, #adjust the process of creative work, #Refers to a variety of methods that encourage creativity, problem solving and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, #appear at meetings, #channel promotion, #brainstorm idea, #assess stages of the creative process, #adapt voice to audio, #self-reflection, #analyse research topics, #complete administration, #adjust teaching to target group, #audio editing program, #brainstorming, #analysing information systems, #digital competencies, #Is able to create or collaborate to the creation of digital content as videos, podcasts, memes, #brainstorm ideas
20 Jul, 17:30
International and Intercultural
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#digital competencies, #team-working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences
21 Sep, 18:30
International and Intercultural
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#digital competencies, #team-working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences
9 Nov, 17:00
Global world
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#digital competencies, #team working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences, #apply critical thinking, #check facts, #verify with information sources
21 Dec, 17:00
International and Intercultural
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
#team working, #interact verbally in English, #interact through digital technologies, #transversal competences/skills, #digital competencies
Technology and computers
Radio Eter
#adjust the process of creative work, #digital competencies, #Is able to create or collaborate to the creation of digital content as videos, podcasts, memes, #audio editing program, #adapt voice to audio
Crafts and making
#creativity, #team working, #formulate game rules, #Learning to learn, #digital competencies, #deliver live presentation, #create game rules, #personal development, #Communication
22 Jun, 12:00
International and Intercultural
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#interact verbally in English, #show intercultural awareness, #manage development of promotional material, #moderate a debate, #digital competencies, #creatively use digital technologies, #team-working
NGO Creativitas
#help migrants in their integration process in the host country, #teach languages, #renovate furniture, #employee coaching, #e-learning, #digital competencies, #collaborate for public inclusion, #crafting, #maintaining work skills and methods standards
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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